- * is the "excellent" rating
- + is "satisfactory"
- - is "not yet"
- * I can throw a ball
- - I can hop on one foot
- * I can roll a ball
- * I can hold a crayon
- - I can jump with one foot
- * I can paint with a large brush
- * I can describe what happened in 2-3 words
- * I can tell you what I want
- * I can repeat parts of songs, rhymes, and finger plays
- * I can listen to simple stories and songs
- * I can identify loud and soft voice
- * I know my first name
- + I know the concept of "one"
- + I can count to 5
- * I can point to big and little objects
- * I can put together a puzzle with large pieces
I can recognize: white, red, yellow, black, blue, green, purple, brown, and orange. (got a "+" on pink... apparently ONLY SATISFACTORY on that one!)
I can recognize these shapes: circle, square, heart, triangle and star were "excellent" and rectangle, diamond, and oval were "not yet."
He got all "excellent" ratings in this area... items were:
- I can participate in group activities
- I respond to my teacher well
- I share with my friends
- I recognize my own things and can name them (backpack, folder, coat, etc.)
- I can follow simple game rules
- I can complete a task
- I listen to Mrs. Hanlon
They also had 2 "Just for Fun" questions at the bottom of the assessment... they were "fill in the blanks." Owen's answers are underlined...
- Name something God made: triangle
- My favorite color is: red
We were worried about Owen's poor teacher in this preschool thing... so it's a relief that he is doing so well! Ha! We'll have to decide later if we'll actually send him to kindergarten with this group (he's the youngest) or keep him for the next year. I'm thinking he'll be ready to go with these guys and will be very upset NOT to be going. We'll probably have some real complaining starting NEXT year when Ben goes and he doesn't!!
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