Monday, January 4, 2010

A year in review ... February 2009!

In February, Ben turned 5. We offered him the opportunity to go to Great Wolf Lodge near Cincinnati, Ohio, in lieu of a birthday party. He was thrilled - especially since his best buddy Scot and his family were also going for Scot's birthday (a week after Ben's). By the time we got around to going to Great Wolf there were actually several families that joined us: Shane and Emily Johnson and their daughter, Shelby, Nick & Emily Adams and their boys, Andrew and Anthony, David and Jenney Taylor and their three boys: Conner, Cory, and Carson, and the Stockwells.. Brady, Catherine, Averi, & Justice, in addition to Heath, Melissa, Scot, Stella, and Charlotte Knipp.

Besides playing at the waterpark, we took time out for cake and ice cream in honor of the boys' birthdays, and a trip to Bass Pro Shops. Ben quickly decided that this was the best vacation ever, because his friends were there. Good to know since the Florida trip in January was 4 or 5 times more expensive than the Ohio getaway!

Ben also enjoyed, what he considers to be a new tradition with my mom and dad. They took him shopping for his birthday and gave him money to spend! He thought this was the best deal ever and has asked for a repeat this year. Mom also made him a Captain America birthday cake, at his request... he loved it. She had made a birthday cake for Jonah a month earlier, so Ben got the idea that she should make HIS as well!

We had a great time sledding in February as well... some friends have a hill that is just perfect for little ones. Good slide down, but easy enough to climb back up. We spent hours there and the day ended by building a snowman! See photos of our day with Nick and Emily Adams, Andrew and Anthony at

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