Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our Trip to Lafayette...

Last Thursday, I ended up taking the day off at the last minute and decided to take the boys to Columbian Park in Lafayette. I had not been there since having kids but drove by a couple of weeks ago on my way back from Chicago and saw that they had a very cool pool.

So we went first to Tropicanoe Cove... the swimming pool. I didn't keep my camera with me much, for obvious reasons... we had a great time and I felt like the play area for the boys was comparable to Holiday World's water park but a heck of a lot cheaper ($10 for us all for the day!). The boys loved the sprayers, of course, and surprisingly... the lazy river. Owen was really tired, so that was probably part of the reason that he enjoyed the floating for awhile.

After the water, we went to the FREE zoo. They don't have a ton of animals, but do have a couple of monkeys and a few big cats, plus prarie dogs, a bald eagle, and a farm petting area. You have to check out the video of Owen in the petting area... he loved it. Of course he was bossing the animals! Ben briefly dressed up as a farm veterinarian too. Funny thing was that their costumes were right on... plaid button up shirts!

The park also had a great series of play sets and a big pond plus a couple of carnival rides and a train that circled the park... all FREE, aside from the water park. It was a great day!

See all the pics on Facebook.

1 comment:

Grable Family said...

Owen just cracks me up... those two are polar opposites sometimes! makes me wonder what the third will be like! probably a girl who wants to wear dresses and have her hair done every day. :-) send her to my house!