Friday, March 28, 2008

Visiting Grandma

Ben and I made the trip to Bruceville last night to surprise Grandma Kaiser. She had a "scare" earlier this week and I thought it would be good for her - and for Ben - to see each other. Of course I coached Ben so much on the way down about being careful with Grandma... and not too rowdy, and don't ask Grandma to get things for you, etc., that he was half-scared to hug her when we got here!

So I'm working from home in Bruceville vs Greencastle, Jason's got Owen and will take him to daycare, and at present, Ben is watching the "Bee Movie" with Aunt Tammie.

When we were heading out the door last night I asked Ben to get his shoes and ask his Dad to help put them on. Owen, noting that things were being carried out the door AND Ben was getting shoes put 2 and 2 together and decided to look for HIS shoes. He has a runny nose and a cough - and he's just, well, ROWDY... so he wasn't coming. I left Jason with him half-crying. Later when we called Owen was crying "mommy" .. he's not a mommy's boy in the LEAST, but I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Ben took the phone and I heard him saying "don't cry Owen, I'll be home tomorrow. Owen? Owen? ... okay Mommy, you take the phone." Then he sat there for a moment with his lip out (I could see him in the rearview mirror) and I seriously thought he was going to cry too. He recovered of course, mostly because he was watching a DVD that we had rented from Redbox in Spencer, eating his big bag of popcorn and drinking a rootbeer! The life of our 4-yr old!

When I got ready to go to bed last night Ben was already in the bed. I was teasing him about how much I loved him and I said "I'm so glad that you're the little boy that I picked up on the road when you were a baby" (I tease him about picking him and Owen up off the road sometimes). He was really tired so he got VERY upset and said "are you SERIOUS??" I told him I wasn't, of COURSE I was just teasing and then I said "why do you get so upset when Mommy teases you?" Ben: "that's just the way I'm made!" (spoken with CLEAR frustration!)

Hopefully Owen has a good day at daycare. He's got several little pals there... so maybe he won't miss Ben too much.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lots of pictures...

It's been a good Easter -- hope yours has been good too. We had a slight incident w/the suit... the pants were way too big so I had to put safety pins in both sides of the waist. Ben's recent splinter episodes have made him mighty fearful of anything sharp. Not only was he worried WHILE I was doing it but also the whole time he was wearing the pants. Poor kid was afraid to bend either way... quite a sight.

We went to lunch at Putnam Inn w/friends Mark & Beth Evans and their kids. I would have had pics but between Owen "spitting" and Ben whining... well we just ate and got out as quickly as possible! Reminder to self... this is why we don't eat out after church (at nap time!).

Here are other pics from today...

Falling out of bed...

Last night (really EARLY this morning) there was a loud noise in Ben's room. Then piercing cries from Ben and the pitter patter of Owen's feet yelling "daddy! daddy!"

I ran into the boys' room to find Ben in a ball in the floor, having fallen out of the bed. I don't know who was more upset... him or Owen. I had picked Owen up as I ran thru the kitchen and he was still crying "daddy!" Fortunately Ben's bed is low to the ground and so he was fine. I think Owen was more upset. He kept saying "Ben fell out! Ben fell out!" I thanked him for being a helper and told Ben it was so nice that Owen was worried about him.

As I write, the boys are still sleeping. We were going to go to first service today for Easter but Jason just got paged. Now we're hoping he'll be back for second service and the boys and I are waiting to go then as well.

We went shopping yesterday (me, Ben, Owen) to get Easter outfits for the boys. Ben got a suit and tie - which I'll post pics of later. The minute I tried the suit jacket on him it was clear that whether or not it was on sale, we were taking it home. He said "do I look GOOD??" Then "do I look like DADDY?" and then a moment later, as if it just occurred to him... "do I look like BRUCE WAYNE?" (that is Batman's secret identity, if you didn't know). He loves it.

I took the single stroller with us yesterday for the brief shopping trip that only included 5 stores and a visit to Chic-fil-a. Anymore Ben doesn't want to ride so much as he wants to walk, so it's a waste to haul the big stroller around. Ben had chosen to wear his cowboy boots for easy on/off at the Chic-fil-a play area. For the entire shopping part of our trip, this is what I heard from behind me... "why do I have to walk?" . "I'm tired." "Are we done yet?" "My legs are SOOOO tired." "When can I sit down?" "Why does OWEN get to ride?" "Slow down. Ugh. You are walking too fast." I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone we saw went "ahhhh" - then commented on how tired/pitiful/sad he looked. Everytime we stopped for a moment, he sat down. I told him to think of it as soccer conditioning. That didn't help. The funniest point was probably when, having carried Ben's suit to the counter to pay at JCP, I realized there was a coupon deal that would have made the suit that was just slightly too big for Owen pretty cheap. I said that we'd be back and we headed back to the children's area to contemplate the suit.

All the way back as we passed people walking Ben said things like "are all of these people going back to get another suit?" and "why are the suits SO FAR away?" Finally after I decided NOT to get the second suit (which would have also required new shoes), we began our return trip to the catalog area where we were checking out. You can imagine... "we didn't even get another suit!" and "Mom let's just pay and leave, okay?"

A shopper he is clearly not.

We topped the day off yesterday w/Easter Egg coloring. The short story is that my nephew was late, we started without him, and by the time he got here (about 15 eggs into the coloring), my boys were more interested in him than the coloring part. We managed to get a few more eggs done by the boys before they all took off running. Basically Jason and I colored a bunch of eggs. And as it turns out, I still don't know how to boil eggs. Twenty-two of our forty eggs are very "soft boiled" ... meaning that when dropped they make a HUGE mess! If we can figure out which are hard boiled, I think we'll eat them today.

Later, more on Easter...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ag day and pinecones...

I went into and left work early yesterday so that I could get back to Greencastle in time to take the boys to "Ag day" at the fairgrounds. Back in Knox Co, ag day always involved food at Green Auditorium. While there are a number of activities during the week here, the highlight is ag day on Thursday night...

Basically the kids get hayrides, to ride pedal tractors, sample different foods and pet some animals. When I picked the boys up from daycare they were playing outside and neither wanted to leave to go to ag day. This was even worse when Ben realized there wouldn't be rides there (fairgrounds = county fair, to him).

We went anyway and while Owen really enjoyed the animals (especially the dogs), Ben got to run around with his friends. After a round on the hay ride, I loaded the boys up in the van. Some friends were gathering pine cones to roll in peanut butter and dip in bird seed... making bird feeders for their yard. Ben and Owen each grabbed a pinecone on the way into the van and I buckled them into their seats while chatting with a friend.

While I continued talking from the van, Ben apparently threw his pinecone out the door. Owen, on the other hand, ate his. I didn't know this until we were driving out of the fairgrounds and I looked back at him.

Owen had remnants of pinecone all over his face.

Me: "Owen, where is your pinecone?"


I called Jason and he said it was impossible. I explained that it was a long, skinny pinecone.

Owen was acting fine, so we went to volleyball at the church. Still fine. I called a friend that is an extension agent and asked that he identify the type of tree/pinecone we ate. He looked and told us it was a "Norwegian Spruce." He also recommended that we call Poison Control.

I called a friend that is a physician's assistant first. She concurred on Poison Control and also said to push fluids. Poison Control didn't have an entry for eating pinecones, but by now, Owen was clearly fine and was enjoying his time at the city park...

They also suggested lots of fluids.

So this morning I kept him around a little longer before taking him to daycare, and all seemed fine. Jason still insists that he couldn't have eaten a pinecone... but I've looked everywhere for leftover pinecone in the van and there's no big piece... just a few scattered "chips." I think he really ate it.

Amazing that he says "I don't like that" and refuses to eat perfectly good veggies and other foods... then he goes and eats a pinecone!

I have a feeling that this may be the first of many calls to Poison Control. 1-800-222-1222. I've memorized the number just in case!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Owen has really had a language explosion these last couple of days. He has been able to tell us what he wanted for awhile... "pick up," "bottle," "I don't like that.." but now he's really getting conversational.

Last night at dinner Ben was telling us about some superhero show. He was talking about a "cousin from the future" and so I jokingly asked him if HE had a cousin from the future. He said "NO!" So then I asked Owen... he said "no - daddy, do you??"

This morning as Jason was getting his shower Owen was wandering around. "Higgleytown Heroes" (which is a Disney show) was on. Owen came over and said "I don't like that! I like SPIRIT." SPIRIT is the horse movie, if you don't know. He has loved this forever. He went on to say "go get SPIRIT." As I went looking for the movie he followed me.. "Mommy likes SPIRIT?" I said yes. Then he said "does Daddy like SPIRIT?"

When I was pregnant w/Owen, Jason was hoping for a quiet and peaceful child! I'm seeing a lot of chatter in our future!

Friday, March 14, 2008

No new pictures...

Not this week. I've hardly SEEN the boys, let alone taken time for a picture! I stayed at the hospital on Monday and Tuesday night with Mom and Dad. Mom is recovering pretty well. I saw the incision for the first time today... and proudly, I didn't faint! I always get a little dizzy when I see my own -- but this one actually looks pretty good. They glued it closed. Ben's question... "paper glue?" I said probably not. I ALMOST said "probably super glue" ... but then I stopped. I can only imagine the conversation that would have ensued had I mentioned "super" and "glue" in one sentence. He is "super" crazy right now... super heroes everywhere. I have a feeling he'd have been asking for super glue if I had said it.

So anyway, mom may get to come home tomorrow. Ben's really confused about why she can't come see us. She'll be trying to lay low for the next 4-6 wks... no contact with people for at least 2 weeks and no germy people for even longer. I think my boys are considered "germy".. so it may be May before they see much of "Bammaw," as Owen calls her.

The boys have been with our "old" sitter this week... Julie. Unfortunately Julie lives almost in Rockville, which makes for a VERY long drive for me on nights that I'm picking the boys up. Ben especially loves it there. He got a splinter this week while playing outside there. I noted it for the first time last night (this is a different splinter... I may have mentioned the last drama in a previous post). It took 2 adults, 1 hour, a slight spanking, 2 needles (well, 1 pin and 1 needle) and a pair of tweezers to get it out. Jason and I took turns and tried to psych Ben out with pokes into our own fingers and "see, no blood" kinds of things. The poor kid was just wailing... I mean to the point that folks shopping at Walmart may have heard him. Tears running down his cheeks. Some kind of groaning/hyperventilating noise... and that was all BEFORE we even touched the finger! Seriously! He was soaking wet with sweat and so were Jason and I...

Hours later, in his sleep, he apparently re-lived the scenario... he talks in his sleep anyway. Last night the talking/crying/screaming was about the splinter. He was yelling "don't take it out! Just leave the splinter there!" It's going to be a long summer with that play set and his new desire to climb on everything for the purpose of jumping off!

Oh and an Owen story... he is SO into the "Don't break the ice" game... this morning before heading off to daycare he started crying "ice - ice - ice!" It took a bit for Jason to get that he wanted the game... to take to Julie's. Ben yelled "she already HAS ICE Owen!!" Still Owen cried and screamed until Jason said, let's just take it. So after Julie's today the boys were dropped off with another friend, Beth, until I returned to Greencastle from the hospital a little later. As we were leaving Beth's, Owen saw that silly game. From her house to mine (10 mins), he yelled ICE all the way. When we got home and Jason got in the door, it was the first thing he wanted... The boys played a couple of games while I made dinner. He's going to be a game boy like his dad, I guess!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Separation Anxiety?

I told Ben last night that I wouldn't be around tonight... that I'd be staying at the hospital with Grandpa to help keep an eye on Grandma. He cried. He wanted to know who would rub his back while he falls asleep. This week may be a rocky one for Jason... the boys aren't usually "momma's boys" (well not Owen anyway), but lately they've been fussing for whoever is not around.

Mom came through the surgery in 3 hours today... faster than the surgeon's estimate. They had told us 4-6 hrs so we were very surprised. She got a "porcine" heart valve... Ben will be glad to know. He's been wondering whether Grandma would get a "pig heart" or a "cow heart!" Anyway, mom came out from the anesthesia around 3:30 and they removed the ventilator tube sometime shortly after. No one told us that it was okay to go back to see her... I wondered back and touched her hand. I'll post the conversation here, but read fast b/c when she gets well enough to read this she will probably make me remove the post...

Mom: "you need to get out of here, you have the flu."

Me: "no Mom, I don't"

Mom: "did you wash your hands?"

Me: "yes, with the antibacterial stuff"

Mom: "I am thirsty and they say I can't have anything." and then "I REALLY hurt, have they given me morphine yet??"

Me: "I'll check. AND I think I'll go get Dad now..."

I was also in a little trouble for not having her eye drops handy. Apparently she told me several times that she would need them and I neglected to bring them over from the hotel! Oops! When I got back with them she was OUT.. they had given her some morphine. Now we wait for a couple of hours while she rests before we can visit again.

Oh and when Dad went back she didn't remember anything she'd said to me. This could be fun... I remember when we used to joke about/tease Grandma Mengedoht about loopy things that she said in the hospital. I guess what comes around really does go around!

Changing topics... the boys got some pics taken on Sunday -- by me, after church. I was photographing Ben in his tie (see earlier post... we have to wear ties EVERY week now!) Owen ran in between, blocking my view of Ben, and said "CHEESE." He didn't have a tie (I tried - he refused) OR pants on, for that matter, but the pics are still cuties. Enjoy!

Oh and one other cute AND hospital-related thing.. I took Ben to the doctor in Brownsburg on Friday for a look at his ingrown toenail (which is apparently healing w/o intervention). After we shopped a little... just the 2 of us since Jason had picked Owen up from daycare... Ben wanted to get something for Grandma since she was going to be in the hospital. He picked up this "really cute" bird cage thing that was pink w/alot of flowers and birds on it. I said "you sure she'll like that?" He said "YES MOM.. girls LIKE pink!" He ultimately decided on something different, but I thought that was pretty funny. He also said "Grandma ACTUALLY can't remember my name. She is ALWAYS calling me JONAH!" I told him that is a grandma-thing... neither my Grandma McCarter NOR my Grandma Mengedoht ever called me the right name!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Our first redneck bday party...

I don't have pics yet because I didn't take my own camera, but we had our first of what will probably be many (growing up in Indiana) redneck bday parties! I say that with much affection for the family that had this party...

Ben and Scot are 1 wk apart in age. Ben is 1 wk OLDER... which he mentions all the time. He and Scot have been "friends since we were this big (picture Ben holding his hand about 5 inches off the table)" and last year had a joint "Monster Jam" party for bday #3. So this year I called Melissa (Scot's mom) when we decided that we were definitely doing a party and told her that we'd love for them to join us for the superhero party if they wanted to.

Melissa said that would be great ... and she'd been trying to sell Scot on it, but he wanted a "camo and buck" bday party. So we went our separate ways (how do you combine superheroes with "camo and buck"?). Scot's party was delayed a week due to the flu in his house.. so Ben had an extra week to anticipate the fun. The invite said "wear camo if you want"... Ben said "what if I don't WANT to wear camo!?" In the long run he did, of course, and I was equipped with a thrift store camo sweatshirt and his camo dixie chopper hat. I'll have to post a pic when I get it ... it was too funny.

Anyway, the kids got face paint and then shot arrows at a deer, a turkey and a bear + other targets set around the gym. Oh and we also had a "ring toss" -- throwing gaskets onto deer antlers that were zip-tied to a 1x4. It was very cute... and I learned: 1. bday plates and treat bags actually come in camo, 2. how many of my friends are equipped for deer hunting and/or paintball, and 3. not to mention shooting deer to Ben for a long long time...

More on that last item... before we left for the party Ben was playing with some stuffed monkey that we found in his room during a cleaning spree this weekend. He wanted to take it to the party and I didn't want to drag it with us. I said "better not - he might get shot in the crossfire." Ben: "WHAT? they would shoot my monkey? with REAL guns?"

Me - trying to explain... "no, but when someone is trying to shoot a deer, they might accidentally shoot your monkey." I really should have just changed the subject....

Ben: "they are going to shoot the deer? to KILL the deer? Are you just TEASING??"

I said I was. Note to self and to everyone else, don't get into the hunting topic with Ben anytime soon.

Owen went along for the ride at the bday party too. Here was his day in short... got up and went to church. Big trauma (as usual) being dropped off in the nursery. Jason and I can hear "mommmmmmy! daddddddyyyyy" as he is carried down the haul. At the end of first service I get a page to go to the nursery where I find Owen with a swollen and blue cheek. All at once the three helpers are trying to explain that Owen has fallen and hit his face on a girl's shoe and they wanted me to know since it was bruising and looked bad. I stayed with him for a little bit and it was clear that he had already forgotten that he was bruised/hurt. I left him crying as I went on to Jason's class...

When I went to pick Owen up it looked even worse... and he was tired. He was trying to fall asleep in the van on the way home but the drive was just too short. We came home for a quick lunch and change of clothes, during which he laid in the floor several times to try to get a little rest. He's really attached to his stuffed puppies right now, so we left with him carrying a dog and his "bottle" -- and of course he fell asleep right away in the van and got about 5 mins of shut eye before we reached the church. He slept there on his dad's shoulder for about 10 mins but during the trade (I had to take Owen so that Jason could help Ben shoot a bow and arrow), was awakened. Then he was off.

He ran and ran... and I think avoided stopping just so he wouldn't fall asleep again. At some point in an event that none of us saw, he hurt his mouth. We still can't figure out what he did or where specifically it hurts, but he kept saying "mouth mouth" and cried when he tried to eat or drink.

Then he latched onto Averi. I should first mention that the boys had to join me at a baby shower on Saturday. The new mom, Julena, had an older daughter, Graycie. Owen has recently started attaching himself to a cute girl and then he just won't give up. Graycie was 6 or 7 and he literally hung on her for an hour. If she was standing still, he had his arms hugged around her waist. She would walk and he would walk with her. On and on. At one point she got loose enough to sit down and he literally layed on the floor, on his belly, and hugged her around the ankles! When it was time to leave I told him I was LEAVING HIM and he just smiled and went to Graycie.

So Sunday was round two for the weekend for him... his target this time was Averi. He was hanging onto her one time trying to climb her legs and kiss her. Quite a site. Averi's mom and dad got some pics so hopefully I'll get one of those to post too. It was too cute. Owen called her "A." She's 9 so I don't think there's any hope for him... but he sure gave it a shot!!