Monday, April 7, 2008

First Soccer Practice

Ben had his first soccer practice Wednesday night. We were excited because he has a really good coach this year - and someone that goes to our church. He played some fun games with the kids like "body parts" where he yells out something like "ELBOW" and all of the kids have to stop and put their elbow on the ball. When everyone has listened, he lets them up to start dribbling again. Contrastly, last year's coach was usually late and had NO plan when he got there anyway!We didn't play Fall soccer - in fact we didn't mention Fall soccer to Ben! Last Spring was quite an experience as he didn't listen very well to the coach and frequently (okay MOST of the time) refused to go out on the field! We said that we wouldn't do soccer at 3 yrs old again... but then there's Owen kicking around on our ball while Ben was practicing and he is pretty GOOD. He won't be old enough NEXT Spring so we'll either be looking at Fall or the following Spring. We'll have to see how the listening part goes for him... he may be able to run and kick pretty well but I have a feeling the listening part will be a problem!

Ben's first game is April 12. They play for 7 weeks. His team is the MUSKETEERS and they are already doing a fundraiser! Ugh! Anyone need Papa John's pizza cards?

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