Monday, April 7, 2008

Random stuff from last week...

Cute pic that I wanted to share... we've got our $12.50 worth of fun out of this car already!

Thursday night Jason got concrete in the rest of the pole barn. Some guys were over working on that and Heather and Cooper Grable joined us for dinner. Heather bravely put Cooper (3 mos) down on the floor and walked away. Owen was actually very sweet. He started "petting" Cooper on the head, prompting Cooper to raise his head and look at Owen.

One other funny pic - okay two funny pics... Ben and Owen cleaning up the kitchen floor. This would seem to be very helpful BUT here's the story. Owen took Jason's half-eaten bag of cheese corn and started eating it. Then he proceeded to dump the rest of the bag in the floor somehow getting a lot in his hair. I got the broom and dustpan out, then got distracted. Ben and Owen took them up and decided to clean the floor!

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