Monday, April 21, 2008

Hee Haw Overall Modeling Session

Building on yesterday's overall success.. I decided to try again today. These "Hee Haw" overalls are some that I bought on ebay when Ben was an infant -- they're just like those that I wore as a kid. Ben always hated them, even though he liked overalls. The bright pattern was just not for him. Anyway, when I put them on Owen today, he actually seemed entertained by them.

I lined him up in front of the "new" bathroom door and took this photo.

Then asked him to turn around...
Then he turned back again and said "cheese"... Then he said "back" (and turned around again)...
And so it went, over and over... him modeling and me shooting pics.

This actually isn't ALL of them. He was having a really good time.
And I was just so impressed that he was LISTENING that I kept right up with him!

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